(12th June 2024) Last week we had a couple of intensive days in Finland with Pinja and visitors from Spain. During three days we got to know how Pinja’s clients apply different solutions in their everyday operations, including biomass and biogas plants as well as recycling centers.
Read more(February 2024) Business Finland is organizing a trade mission to Madrid and Zaragoza in Spain for Finnish companies operating in the Smart Cities sector.
Read more(January 2024) Inseltrade, in collaboration with Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland, will organise an event focused on bioenergy and W2E, which will take place in Madrid on 13 February 2024.
Read more(January 2024) Inseltrade is helping a new men´s jeans manufacturer land in the Spanish & Portuguese fashion markets.
Read more(February 2023) Inseltrade is organizing a joint exhibition space for Finnish companies in the Expobiomasa 2023 fair that is held 9th-11th of May in Valladolid, Spain. The joint stand has space for up to 12 companies.
Read more(June 2022) Last week (June 13th-17th) was very intense for us with a business delegation gathered by the regional organization Business Oulu from Finland. The delegation included companies from automotive and construction sectors and we organized meetings for them with potential clients and partners that took us to Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Bilbao, San Sebastian and Barcelona.
Read more(April 2022) Traveling is coming back strongly after the covid and to celebrate this Inseltrade will organize the first Nordic and Baltic Countries workshop since 2019 in cooperation with Toolbox Consulting and Gateway South.
Read moreThe Minister of development and foreign trade of Finland. Mr. Ville Skinnari, visited Madrid with a business delegation of 14 Finnish companies focused on digitization, smart cities, construction and green transition during the beginning of this week, 21st and 22nd of March.
Read moreOur CEO Sami Auvinen was interviewed on the Vaya Tela podcast about running a company and business in general in Spain
Inseltrade is organizing in cooperation with our partner ToolBox Consulting a virtual workshop focused on tourism in Nordic and Baltic countries that brings together the suppliers and regional organizations in Northern Europe with the buyers of tour operators, travel agencies and incentive travel providers in Spain and Portugal.
Expobiomasa, the largest biomass event in Iberian peninsula and the TOP5 biomass trade fairs worldwide, has been organized already twelve times. This year also biogas solutions are in the scope of the fair.
The fair is on 21st-23rd of September in Valladolid, Spain.
Read all information hereWe want to thank the audience and the excellent speakers, Pablo Rodero of Avebiom and European Pellet council and Mario Scharf, the CEO of Forestalia Biomass Business division, for participating in the webinar organized by Inseltrade on February 9th, 2021.
Get recordings here(January 2021) Inseltrade will organize a webinar about circular economy with a special focus on biomass use in energy production.
Date: February 9th 2021 at 13.00 CET
Read all details here(January 2021) We are looking for our client Best-Hall a commercial agent, to carry out the sales of industrial buildings in Spain.
Applications closing date: February 8th
Read all details here(October 29th 2020) Access to the right information in real time is crucial in the fight against the pandemic. We invite you to this webinar to know more about this revolutionary development
(August 3rd 2020) Inseltrade is preparing quarterly reports on the circular economy sector (e.g. power plant projects such as heat & power, pulp & paper) in Spain.
This includes bioenergy plant projects, coal plant conversion projects and fixed waste to energy plant projects.
(July 23rd 2020) The Prime Minister of Spain, Mr. Pedro Sánchez, has announced a plan that will move 140 billion euros for digitalization in the next five years. The government has published the Digital Spain 2025 (España Digital 2025) agenda with 70 billion euros, and the same amount will be invested in the following two years.
(May 29th 2020) Inseltrade has signed an agreement with iSTOC to promote iSTOC Mobile Diagnostics Solution in the Spanish market.
Finnish healthcare technology company iSTOC specializes in immediate diagnostics and analytics, and has launched rapid tests that can detect viruses, hormones, bateria, viruses, and antibodies for different infectious diseases such as Covid-19 from a small drop of blood.
--Kauppalehti, the biggest economic newspaper in Finland, made an article about Inseltrade interviewing our partners--
(December 2019) on Madridissa toimiva konsulttiyritys, jonka bisnestä on avata suomalaisyrityksille markkinoita Espanjaan ja Portugaliin.
”Viidessä vuodessa meillä on ollut yli 50 toimeksiantoa. Tällä hetkellä aktiivisia on työn alla toistakymmentä”, sanoo toimitusjohtaja Sami Auvinen, joka on yksi yrityksensä viidestä suomalaisesta perustajaosakkaasta.
Inseltrade tekee markkinatutkimusta, kaupallista tuotetestausta, etsii jakelukanavia ja partnereita. Asiakkaat ovat monilta aloilta – matkailusta kiertotalouteen, infrarakentamiseen ja terveysteknologiaan.
”Ensimmäinen asiakkaamme on meillä yhä”, Auvinen kehaisee. Tamperelainen kylmäketjujen tarkkailujärjestelmien valmistaja MeshWorks Wireless sai myynnin auki Espanjaan Inseltraden avulla viisi vuotta sitten.
(October 2019) In the first week of October Inseltrade organized in cooperation with Toolbox Consulting travel workshops in Barcelona, Madrid and this year for the first time also in Lisbon. There was a total of over 20 companies and tourist promotion organizations representing Nordic and Baltic countries.
The events were visited by 130 tour operators, travel agencies, incentive companies and some journalists of the travel sector.
(October 2019) Inseltrade organized a Finland stand together with the Spanish Association of Energy Valuation of Biomass (Avebiom) and Business Finland at Expobiomasa 24.-26.10.2019. The fair is the biggest bioenergy event in Iberian peninsula with 16 540 professional visitors this year.
The Embassy of Finland in Madrid and Business Finland organize a visit to Madrid on the 22nd-23rd of May 2019 for Finnish companies that offer digital solutions for the sports and wellbeing industries
The two-day program includes visits to the local businesses and organizations as well as a matchmaking event, organized by Inseltrade, which gives the Finnish companies an opportunity to present their solutions for the potential customers, partners and other interest groups in Spain. The matchmaking event will be held at the residence of the Finnish ambassador to Spain, Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen.
The visit is free for the Finnish companies but does not include the travel costs, lunch or dinner. The enrollment is open until March 31st.
For more information and registrations, please contact:
Annabella Polo/Business Finland: annabella.polo(AT)businessfinland.fi // +34 699 75 92 34
- or -Sami Auvinen/Inseltrade:
sami.auvinen(AT)inseltrade.com // +34 696 973 996
Inseltrade is organizing a common stand for Finnish biomass companies in Expobiomasa 2019 which will be held from 24th to 26th of September in Valladolid, Spain.
Expobiomasa, which is held every second year, is the most important biomass event in the Iberian market. In the last edition of the fair there was over 500 exhibitors and 15 000 visitors. The event offers an outstanding opportunity for the Finnish companies to meet public and private end customers, distributors and other interest groups.
FInland is a guest country in the fair and there will be a seminar focused on biomass sector in Finland. In addition, Inseltrade will organize individual F2F meetings The participants can have also public funding offered by Business Finland. In this project Inseltrade is working in cooperation with Avebiom, the fair organizer.
Enrollment is now open and for more information you can get in touch with Marja-Liisa Ketola: marja-liisa.ketola@inseltrade.com // +34 622 942 344
(February 2019) The dates for the Nordic and Baltic countries travel workshops:
This is an excellent opportunity for touristic service providers and destinations who want to present their product for the Spanish and Portuguese tour operators and travel agencies. The last year we had approximately 60 buyers only in Spain.
Inseltrade is organizing the workshops in cooperation Travel-Toolbox which is specialized in marketing and sales consultancy in the travel sector.
For more information, please contact Sami Auvinen:
sami.auvinen@inseltrade.com // +34 696 973 996
(October 2018) Inseltrade will organize on 30th of October Better Office, an event focused on the wellbeing in the modern workplaces, in cooperation with the Finnish embassy in Madrid and Business Finland.
The event will be hosted by the Finnish ambassador in Spain, Ms. Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen, in her official residence.
The event is directed to corporate management, facility and office managers, architects, interior designers, HR managers and media.
(October 2018) At the end of September Inseltrade organized the fourth consecutive Nordic and Baltic countries workshop in cooperation with our partner Toolbox-Travel.
In this edition we had approximately 20 representatives of travel service providers and regional promotion organizations from four countries with an offer that covers the Northern Europe almost completely. The event was organized in Madrid and Barcelona and had a total of 60 visitors from the major tour operators, travel agents and incentive houses.
The feedback that we have received was extremely positive and we looking forward to organize the workshops the next year also
(September 2018) Mr. Juha Sipilä, the prime minister of Finland, will visit Spain and Portugal on 2-4 October. Along with the political delegation there will be a group of Finnish companies that are looking for business opportunities in the Iberian Peninsula. The focus of these companies is on the circular economy, including for example bioenergy, waste to energy and waste water treatment.
On October 4th as a part of the official program there will be a business meeting between Finnish and Spanish companies which will include the opening words of the prime minister and a matchmaking event organized by Inseltrade in cooperation with Business Finland and the Finnish embassy in Madrid.
The same day Inseltrade will also organize visits of the Finnish participants to some Spanish companies of the selected sectors.
The official press release of the Finnish Government can be found here.
(July 2018) Last June Inseltrade organized a visit for Spanish biomass companies and organizations to Savo region in Finland with an objective of getting an insight into the sector and the solutions. Finland is one of the leading countries within the sector. The visit program included for example different district heating plants, technology providers, schools and a matchmaking event in Helsinki organized by Business Finland.
The other organization involved in the project were the regional development companies Miksei and Navitas as well as EEN (European Enterprise Network).
The response from the Spanish participants was very positive and encouraging for further projects.
Apart from the co-operation between Finnish and Spanish companies a possible continuation for this project could be a participation of the Finnish companies and organizations in the biomass fair in Valladolid 2019. Other opportunities include potential common projects with Spanish companies in the Latin American markets.
For more information, please contact Marja-Liisa Ketola
marja-liisa.ketola@inseltrade.com // +34 622 942 344(Jun 2018) Inseltrade will organize the fourth consecutive workshop in which the travel companies from Northern Europe have an excellent opportunity to offer their products for Spanish tour operators, travel agencies and incentive companies. This year the event will be held in two location, September 26th in Madrid and 27th in Barcelona.
The last year in the same event which was held only in Madrid we had over 50 buyer visits. Since the workshop will be organized in the two major cities of Spain we are expecting even better result.
Inseltrade is organizing the event in cooperation with Toolbox-Travel.
For more information, please contact:
sami.auvinen@inseltrade.com +34 696 973 996(Jun 5th 2018) Inseltrade is organizing a visit to Finland for Spanish companies and other interest groups from the biomass sector in cooperation with regional development companies Miksei in Mikkeli and Navitas in Varkaus which are also hosting the group.
The objective of the trip is to create and develop business relations between Finnish and Spanish biomass companies.
The program will contain for example visits to the District Heating plants and biomass companies in the region of Mikkeli and Varkaus as well as a B2B seminar in Helsinki organized by Business Finland.
If your biomass company is interested in participating in this project as a guest from Spain or presenting your company in Finland, please contact us:
Inseltrade / Marja-Liisa Ketola marja-liisa.ketola@inseltrade.com +34 622 942 344(Jan 3rd 2018) Business Tampere has trialled innovation voucher (Innovaatioseteli) using foreign companies as service provides. Trial started in spring 2017 and Inseltrade was listed as foreign service provider for Spanish market. During 2017 trial already two companies used Innovaatioseteli to test drive Spanish market.
Innovation voucher makes it easy to companies to use external service providers for innovation, internationalisation and growth and thus helps companies to open new business in domestic and foreign markets. Business Tampere has created the concept and the IT-platform that can be deployed by other regions in Finland as well.
(Nov 10th 2017) Inseltrade was chosen by Miksei, the public business development organisation of Mikkeli region, Finland, to perform a road show in Spain for seven Finnish companies from biomass sector. This was the second phase of the assignment, a market study about the biomass market in Spain. The first phase was delivered in August 2017.
The road show included two events: the first one was held in Madrid, hosted by the Finnish Ambassador Mrs. Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen. The second event took place at Barcelona in co-operation with Clúster de Biomassa de Catalunya.
The objective was to provide the Spanish companies and entities with an introduction to the technology solutions that are developed in Finland. Another target was to create connections between Finnish and Spanish players in biomass sector. As the result, the Finnish companies met over 40 Spanish contacts who can provide access to various projects in the market.
(Nov 20th 2017) Inseltrade has organized an educational tour for eight major Spanish tour operators to the region of lake Saimaa in the southeastern part of Finland. The tour consisted of visiting various hotels and other touristic service providers in the cities of Lappeenranta and Imatra.
The program included also a workshop with local providers, ATV safari, ice floating in a neoprene suite and being in Finland of course sauna.
The trip was organized in a co-operation with the regional tourism office GoSaimaa, Finnair and Toolbox-Travel.
(Sept 21th 2017) Hygio has signed a contract with a major distributor for Spain and Portugal. The main product of Hygio are ozonizing devices which offer an easy but yet very effective manner to clean and disinfect for example clothes and different small and medium size objects. The ozonizing can be applied also in very demanding environments like fire departments and hospitals. Hygio considers Spain and Portugal one of the Hygio’s key markets in 2018.
Inseltrade pre-assessed the distributor, presented it to Hygio and participated in negotiations of distribution agreement that were conducted in Finland and Spain.
(June 30th 2017) Inseltrade was chosen by Miksei, the public business development organisation of Mikkeli region, Finland, to perform a study about the biomass market in Spain. The study will focus on legislation, subventions, market players and new power plant projects in the different regions of Spain.
Along with the public organisations there are also eleven Finnish companies that have developed innovative solutions to biomass harvest, logistics, pre-processing and combustion and are looking for new business opportunities.
(June 2nd 2017) Inseltrade will organize a tourism workshop also in 2017 with the focus on Nordic and Baltic countries. This year the event will be held on September 27th in Madrid. The exact location will be informed soon. This is an excellent opportunity for the Northern European touristic companies and regions to present their products for the Spanish buyers in travel agencies, tour operators and incentive companies. At the moment we have various confirmed exhibitors including for example Sokos Hotels, Viking Line, Silja Line, Eckerö Line and Finnair. If you are interested in participating, please contact Sami Auvinen at: sami.auvinen(at)inseltrade.com // +34 696 973 996
(August 22nd 2016) Inseltrade market entry consultant service sales tour to Finland was a great success. During the two weeks tour Inseltrade met companies that are interested in accessing to Spanish and Portuguese markets more than ever before. Spanish market is expected to grow 3,2% in 2016 which is almost double of the average growth in euro zone and four times of the growth in Finnish market. The number of Finnish companies that want to expand to foreign market has skyrocketed during recent years and is now hitting new records. Many of the companies took an immediate action to prepare a market entry plan together with Inseltrade in order to get some results already for 2016. Inseltrade is seen as a trusted partner to boost the sales in local market: a low-risk straight-to-sales approach is what the companies most appreciate. That combined with customer oriented approach, local knowledge and start-up friendly compensation model gives the best value for the money.
(May 6th 2016) Inseltrade will organize in co-operation with Toolbox-travel a travel sector workshop in Madrid at the 5th of October 2016. The event is directed to the companies offering touristic services in northern Europe and gives them an opportunity to sell their products to Spanish tour operators, travel agencies and incentive companies in a very cost effective way.
For more information, please send mail to sami.auvinen(at)inseltrade.com or call +34 696 973 996.
(January 1st 2016) Inseltrade presented Framery O phonebooth and GoSleep Sleep Pod at the international tourism fair Fitur 2016 in Madrid. The 2016 edition of Fitur registered a total attendance of more than 231 000 people out of whom close to 125 000 were trade visitors. The products featured in several media including the prime time news magazine España Directo of the leading nationawide television channel TVE1.
(September 15th 2015) Please have a look to our new highlights on Finnish importation to Spain at the brand new website DeFinlandia. The pages present a selection of products that are among the best of Finnish design.
(August 5th 2015) Our audio equipment business has its own web pages, presenting our partners and their products. Check out Alaudor´ website!
(April 9th 2015) Inseltrade and Framery signed a contract of Framery dealership covering Spain and Portugal. In Inseltrade we’re really exited that we can represent such a great company and products that solve a common problem of noise pollution bringing down employees wellbeing and productivity in every open office around the world.
Framery Acoustics has successfully combined the the beautiful contemporary design and science in order to make open offices more comfortable places to work. Framery phone booth is a perfect solution to arrange and maintain a noise free environment in the open office conditions. This gives a unique possibility to cut out from the busy environment and focus on productivity.
(March 24th 2015) SEEMOTO was presented to one of the most important logistics operators in Spain. Meshworks Wireless got a deal through us, to deliver the system, including a number of gateway units. Check Seemoto´s website for more info about them!
(March 12th 2015) EurasiaGrowth will be Insetrade´s partner in Germany. Our new partners have years of experience in helping nordic companies to succesfully enter the German market. We look forward to working together with EurasiaGrowth.
(February 11th 2015) MeshWorks Wireless Ltd´s SeeMoto service will be used in controlling the temperature of the fleet by a nationwide logistics company in Spain. This is SeeMoto´s fourth commercial contract in just ten months since the launch of the service in Spain.
(February 10th 2015) A major logistics provider goes with SeeMoto cold chain solutions! Deployment will be implemented in March.
(December 12th 2014) We’re happy to announce that our partnership network extends to Italy via Dreamex.
(November 6th 2014) We’re happy to announce that our partnership network extends to India via Promade
(October 2nd 2014) As a milestone of a successful market entry project, we have sold first units of SeeMoto cold chain solutions to a medicine wholeseller!
(August 7th 2014) We are pleased to announce that we have ongoing business with MeshWorks Wireless. The company has best in class cold chain monitoring solution for example for medicine transports.
(May 2nd 2014) We have reached common understanding and signed the contract with Aurelia Loudspeakers on representation and importation to Iberian peninsula. Aurelia is the new own brand of renowed high end loudspeaker designer Antti Louhivaara, and the speakers are hand assembled in Finland. There are two distinct product lines XO and Superiore, starTing from the “Little Big Miracle” Aniara up to Cerica and Graphica. Aurelia’s offering complements our high fidelity speaker selection, and we are impressed by the quality.
(MARCH 19th 2014) We have signed a contract of representation of Gradient Loudspeakers in the markets of Spain and Portugal. We are extremely proud of the opportunity to work with this brand, which is a living legend of the high fidelity manufacturing in Finland.
The Gradient products are known for their high quality, pure sound and aesthetics that follow the Nordic design tradition.
A token of success and quality is the Editors’ Choice prize of the prestigious Absolute Sound that Gradient has won on number of years.
(February 28th 2014) Inseltrade signed an agency contract with IGH Aroma about the representation in the Finnish market. IGH products consist of different sweet flavours and toppings which can be used as a raw material for food industry or directly to horeca and food service.
(January 17th 2014) It has been agreed that Inseltrade represents, promotes and imports DSPeaker advanced room correctors. The DSPeakers correct the response of listening room by compensating standing wave modes by real-time digital filtering, optimising and perfecting the performance of loudspeakers. The DSPeaker Anti-Mode device AM2DC is readily available.